
News & Events

Legislative tracking, In Focus, ProsperoScope, Webcasts for tax professionals

Legislative Tracking

Legislative Tracking is a daily newsletter designed to highlight the most significant legislative changes, proposals and events as reported in the Russian press.

Legislative Tracking in Focus

Legislative Tracking in Focus presents the most important supplements to daily Legislative Tracking.


It is our pleasure to welcome you to ProsperoScope – a newsletter of Deloitte’s Private Client Service team.  This newsletter presents recent and upcoming changes in Russian and international tax legislation, and information about trends and interesting developments in the private client world.

It is not intended to be a comprehensive statement of the law. We accept no liability for the completeness and accuracy of information contained in the newsletter or for  any decisions made by you after reading the newsletter without additional professional consultation.

Further newsletters will be issued as relevant information becomes available

Registered site users may also subscribe to be alerted when new issues of the ProsperoScope are published. Log in and go to the My Alerts section of your account page and select "ProsperoScope" from the alerts list. If you are a new user, please first fill out the registration form.

Tax alerts and newsletters

For back issues of any global tax alerts or newsletters, please email a request to

EMEA Dbriefs

Dbriefs Webcasts feature our professionals discussing critical issues that affect your business.

Dbriefs are:

  • Informative, with a variety of timely, relevant business topics aimed at an executive-level audience.
  • Interactive, with immediate and measurable feedback through polls and surveys, including real-time benchmarking with your peers.
  • Convenient, presenting 60 minute live webcasts in the comfort of your own office.
  • Flexible, offering archived webcasts available anytime, from anywhere, for up to 180 days after the live presentation.
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