
Global Mobility

When relocating employees globally, Ukrainian employers should understand the specifics of and comply with the local tax laws. We advise and support our clients in complying with the local tax requirements by engaging and coordinating with Deloitte offices worldwide

Deloitte Ukraine offers Ukrainian employers and internationally relocated employees consulting on compliance with local tax laws and regulations. Furthermore, Global Mobility services include consulting employees and employers both in Ukraine and abroad and providing support in preparing and filing tax reports, paying income tax on such individuals’ income.

Our clients can use Global Mobility as a single point of contact.


Andriy Servetnyk

Andriy Servetnyk

Partner, Tax & Legal

Andriy Servetnyk is a Partner of Tax & Legal. Andriy has been with Deloitte since 2002 and is now in charge of International Tax, and Global Employer Services. Andriy also leads Deloitte Private pract... More

Svitlana Tutovska

Svitlana Tutovska

Senior Manager, Tax & Legal

Svitlana Tutovska joined Deloitte in 2008 where she started her career. A lawyer by background, she specializes in taxation-related advisory to employers and individuals. Svitlana has 10 years of prof... More

Katrina Mafardzhe

Katrina Mafardzhe

Assistant Manager, Tax & Legal

Katrina is an Assistant Manager at the Tax and Legal Department, Global Employer Services. A lawyer by background, Katrina provides advice on personal income tax, social insurance, employment and payr... More