Investment and business planning
- Prepare medium- and long-term business development plans and investment programmes, and present them to management, shareholders, investors and creditors, givinga detailed rationale for every proposal
- Design a financial business model in line with the principles of value creation for shareholders and its principal drivers
- Organise the medium- and long-term planning process ensuring business plans are prepared and executed on a regular basis
Goals and Challenges
We have experience and expertise in addressing complicated aspects of financial and investment planning, building financial models and business plans, and analysing the feasibility of investment projects.
Our experts have extensive industry experience which enables us to take into account the specifics of your business and evaluate your development prospects across multiple scenarios.
We can also assist in establishing a medium- and long-term business and investment planning process based on an automated model using simple and accessible software, such as MS Excel, and/or sophisticated software products, such as Hyperion.
What we do
Our approach involves four main stages:
Stage 1
We perform an analysis your company’s current state, its business development strategy, investment programme goals and the requirements of its investment programme. We do this by interviewing management and staff, and analysing internal documents and existing management reporting.
One of the main objectives of this first stage is to determine key factors affecting the company’s business value.
Stage 2
A financial model is developed and endorsed. Key business drivers and investment project drivers are identified.
Stage 3
The model is populated with real data and tested for its ability to accurately reflect the company’s operations and business structure. A test calculation of the investment project model is performed.
Stage 4
The model is adjusted according to test results as necessary; medium- and long-term business development projections and the results of the implementation of the investment project are estimated and a model description and notes are prepared. A business or investment plan can be prepared for a variety of business development scenarios. We can provide presentation material and assist with its presentation.
Production of both medium- and long-term development plans and investment programmes is based on identifying and forecasting key factors affecting shareholder value. For this purpose we use Enterprise Value Map™ and Deloitte Industry Print™.
Our approach
Developing medium- and long-term business plans leads to the following outcomes:
- A financial model of the company’s business development or investment project covering a number of scenarios, based on a software solution chosen by the client
- A business or investment plan prepared and designed for presentation to management, shareholders, investors and/or creditors
- A full description of the financial model and methodology for business or investment planning, tailored to the specific needs and circumstances of the company
- Planning rules and procedures to ensure that business and investment planning processes are carried out regularly in the company.
How your business will benefit