Posted: 17 Oct. 2023 4 min. read

The ‘being’ in well-being

Arjun Bhatt talks about integrating well-being into his hybrid work/life.

Arjun Bhatt is a specialist leader at Deloitte US-India Offices (USI), operating at the intersection of the Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) and Financial Services Industry (FSI) business areas of Consulting. Arjun joined Deloitte US in 2017, the year his daughter was born.

In this blog, Arjun talks about how well-being should be an integral part of our work and why having a healthy routine improves our quality of work and life, while helping us grow as individuals.

Finding the meaning of well-being

In the current times of hybrid work, each of us is trying to balance working from home and the office, and work has become a part of our lives at home. That is why it is essential to integrate well-being into our daily schedule and not see it as separate from work and life.

Deloitte’s culture of leading by example in matters of well-being and our connection and collaboration with counterparts across the globe provide fulfillment in our work.


My leaders always encourage our team members to prioritize their physical and mental health. Sharing with our peers about our healthy habits and interests outside of work sets an example for others to consider their wellness goals. The well-being activities we have at a project level reinforce this culture and set a standard by displaying our commitment.

How it began and how it’s going

During the pandemic, there came a time when I realized I was spending most of my time working at home, and the usual markers of good health had slowly started deteriorating. That is when I decided to take a step back, moderate my work hours, and focus on my well-being. I consciously tried to spend time at the gym and started practicing yoga. Offering prayers in the morning helped to combine my physical and spiritual wellness. Apart from eating healthy, I also made it a point to spend time with my daughter and my wife. Reading a story to my daughter or talking to her always helps me relax.

Having a set of hobbies ensures that we make time to focus on our mental health. With Deloitte’s yearly well-being subsidy, I buy equipment that keeps me on track for my wellness goals. I like reading books and carrying eBooks on my phone, which helps me catch up on my reading in between my busy schedule. Sometimes, I play video games, and cleaning my room helps me relax on other days.

When the going gets tough

On days when work gets overwhelming, I communicate in advance about expected timelines, prioritize the work accordingly to avoid burnout, and leverage my team’s support. By communicating ahead of time, expectations are set – it is something we learn as we progress in our careers. At Deloitte, sharing my well-being needs with my peers and leaders has always been appreciated and accepted. As seasoned professionals, we must imbibe this culture of communicating what works for us and guiding our junior practitioners.

Achieving balance

Understanding what is essential to our well-being will help our life journey. Communicating with our peers and leaders to let them know when we need to take a break and determining when to fit physical wellness into our busy schedules can enable that. If we find others around us with common interests, we should take advantage of that to find a gym buddy or a colleague who can motivate us to stay on track. Lastly, we should remember that this is a journey – we should not look at it as a slice of life but a continuous process. Hence, we need to start prioritizing our well-being.

The views expressed here are of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of his current, former, or future employers or any organization with which he is associated.