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Info session and career fair insights

Recruiting tips

Looking for some tips and tactics for participating in a Campus Information Session? Want to know how to approach a Career Fair so you can get the most out of it? Learn more right here.

According to Jennifer Eimer, manager, Campus Recruiting, Deloitte Services LP, there are a few pointers that are keys to success:

  • Dress appropriately and make a good first impression. Business casual is completely acceptable. Don’t let your appearance be an after-thought simply because you are attending this event in between classes or homework sessions.
  • Make sure to introduce yourself. Many times students begin speaking to a Deloitte recruiter or professional and forget to introduce themselves first.
  • Keep an eye on social cues and body language. If there are several candidates behind you waiting to speak to a recruiter or Deloitte professional, be courteous and know when to conclude your discussion.
  • Practice your elevator pitch to describe who you are, your experience, and why you are interested in and a good fit for Deloitte.
  • If you are not the target audience for either an information session or career fair, please do not attend. Deloitte recruiters and professionals are looking for candidates from a specific population. See if there is another time to connect with a recruiter for a role that may suit your experience and background better.
  • Make sure you are at your best. If you aren’t feeling well, stay home and look for another future opportunity to connect with Deloitte.
  • Look for common ground with the person with whom you are speaking. Share something unique about yourself or your background that will be memorable. Also, engage in two-way conversation with the recruiter or Deloitte professional. Ask questions, look for ways to relate or expand on the conversation.
  • Have fun! Information Sessions and Career Fairs are a great way to get to know Deloitte and its professionals. Leave the nerves at home.

Deloitte looks at candidates from the way they present themselves to how articulate they are when speaking and from making good eye contact to how engaged and participatory they are -- so stand out by being interested, enthusiastic, and professional! 

So how can you stand out above other candidates at an information session or career fair?

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