Posted: 10 Apr. 2017 5 min. read

Lauren Hughes apprenticeship experience in Cardiff

What’s it like to join Deloitte as an apprentice?

My name’s Lauren and here’s my story.

I’m part of the 2016 Entry-level apprenticeship scheme, based in Cardiff. Although I’ve only been with the firm a short while, I’ve enjoyed every second of my time on the scheme.

I have met so many people since starting and gained so much knowledge, from colleagues, inductions and my college work.


Dyslexia didn’t hold me back
The apprenticeship recruitment process was pretty thorough, which meant it was long, but very rewarding. Because I have dyslexia, I didn’t really think I’d get through it; I really lacked confidence, so I was completely humbled when I was shortlisted. In total, eleven of us were successful. Now we’re all together on the apprenticeship, supporting each other, and we all get along well.

Getting to know each other
We spent the first three days of the apprenticeship on induction in Liverpool, with Deloitte apprentices from all over the UK. It was exciting to meet all these new people and get to know each other.

The programme was amazingly well prepared and choreographed, with a presenter who was brilliantly engaging. We were given tasks to complete in groups, with people we’d only just met, and we were never in the same group more than once. This meant we got to meet everyone and share ideas. My only regret is that we didn’t swap details; I’d really like to have stayed in contact and built relationships with colleagues across the country. If I had my time again…

London calling
Our final induction included an overnight stay in London. This was completely different to Liverpool, as we were left to our own devices. That meant navigating the tube, and the hotel lift… no really, you’d be surprised how long that took to work out!  But between the eleven of us, we finally got to our rooms.

Our office
Now we’ve settled in to work. And it’s such a friendly office. I know everyone on my floor and have already had many opportunities for extra responsibility and progression. It’s wonderful to feel part of something, to feel equal and in the same place as everyone else. We get on so well as a team.

Another bonus is – as well as free tea and coffee – we get free fruit, as they encourage healthy eating here. It’s a small thing that makes a big difference.

We’re studying hard too
As well as on-the-job experience, we work towards a Level 3 Diploma in Business Administration too. To pass the apprenticeship, we need to achieve 58 credits or more. So far, we’ve sat a 15-question exam on ‘employee rights and responsibilities’, which covered things like business laws and policies, as well as minimum wage and equality in the workplace.

Currently, we’re working towards ‘principles of business communication and information’. This includes different types of business documents, and good and bad practice involved. It’s all useful and interesting stuff.

My future opportunities
Once I’ve completed my apprenticeship, my options are open. I can stay here in Cardiff and continue to build on my knowledge and experience. Or I could apply to join the BrightStart Higher Apprenticeship scheme. Which means working towards becoming fully qualified in a professional field. I’ve decided I’d like to continue in the office, until I have enough knowledge and confidence to progress.

The Best Bits
My Deloitte apprenticeship so far has been a wonderful experience. I’ve already progressed, met so many people, and developed many skills. I’d recommend it to anyone who’s interested in developing and learning in a supportive environment. Even if you’re not confident, apply; you’ll find you’ve got more abilities than you might think. And it opens up so many opportunities.

Diolch am darllen :)

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