How your communications can support employee financial wellbeing

13 April 2022

The cost of living crisis is making financial wellbeing a top concern for employees. Research from Aviva* shows that a significant 43% of employees don’t feel financially on track for the future.

And while employers aren’t responsible for employees’ financial wellbeing, supporting their people by developing useful resources and promoting inhouse initiatives can make a big difference.

Here are some pointers to get you started on creating beneficial communications around financial wellbeing.

  • Add a financial education element to existing comms around reward, compensation and benefits. Ensure any potentially bewildering financial terms and concepts are clearly explained using jargon busters.
  • Use innovative formats to bring tricky topics to life. Don’t use email to communicate a change in rewards – create a personalised animation or an interactive infographic instead!
  • Share relevant articles, explainers and advice with employees to keep them up-to-date on the latest news, changes and trends.
  • Go above and beyond for employees to support them in a season of financial worry or difficulty. This isn’t about box ticking, it’s about adding actual value.

Lastly, invest in your financial benefits communications and brand. A great employee experience shows that you take their wellbeing seriously.

* Evolving in the Age of Ambiguity – Aviva

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