
A different future is possible

Perspectives for the chemical sector in Brazil

This study describes the current stage of the chemical industry in Brazil and brings Abiquim's proposals to reduce costs, increase competitiveness, improve the regulatory environment and increase investments in the sector.

Deloitte and the Brazilian Chemical Industry Association (Abiquim) present this comprehensive study on the current stage of the chemical industry in Brazil.

The study proved what the agents of this market have been experiencing in practice. The current situation of high costs of raw materials and energy, the complexity of the tax system affecting the production chain, the inefficiency of existing infrastructure and the bureaucracy of the business environment are factors that reduce the competitiveness of the chemical industry in Brazil - a scenario intensified by the recession of recent years.

To address these challenges, Abiquim has translated the sector's concerns into a set of short, medium and long-term proposals that focus on reducing costs to increase competitiveness, improve regulatory aspects and increase investment.

The adoption of the measures presented will result in a significant improvement in the business environment impacting the chemical industry and the huge production chain in which it operates, and will contribute to the recovery of the economy, the fall in corporate debt, plus taxes and income.

Highlights of the study

Average annual GDP growth of the chemical industry until 2030

5.75% with proposals
3,11% without proposals

With the adoption of proposals, Brazil will gain, by 2030, an increase of ...

US$ 231.2 billion in the GDP of the chemical sector
US$ 193.9 billion in value added
US$ 53.1 billion in labor remuneration
US$ 63.6 billion in tax collection
225.2 thousand jobs in the chemical industry

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