
Widening the lens

Big-picture thinking on disruptive innovation in the retail power sector

To compete with new market entrants and business models, retail power companies ought to consider broadening their innovation programs. This report shares how some companies are disrupting the retail power sector by innovating across the business.

Disruption in the retail power sector isn’t anything new, but its pace and consequences appear to be increasing. However, many retail power providers are not responding to the existential threats with the urgency one might expect – exposing themselves to the risk of being left behind.

The article "Widening the lens: Big-picture thinking on disruptive innovation in the retail power sector" explore that in order to survive and navigate through the disruption, retail power companies should consider broadening their innovation programs – keeping in mind the Doblin 10 key types of innovation.

But we know, it’s a lot easier to say innovation, than to do it. Our study sheds light on real insights and actions from global power retail companies on how they have overcome blind spots and pushed the bar on innovation ambition – using a comprehensive approach to innovation.

Widening the lens: Big-picture thinking on disruptive innovation in the retail power sector
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