
Digital capital projects

Digitalization represents a fundamental change in the way a project is planned, built, operated and even deactivated

Motivated by digital acceleration in capital-intensive projects, we work with our clients to digitalize projects to seek more dynamic and reliable control models – which can represent a unique source of information in the project, thus leveraging timely decision-making based on data.

A digital capital project is more than just using technology to deliver a project. Digitization represents a fundamental change in the way a project is designed, built, operated and decommissioned.

The digital transformation offers an opportunity to achieve security, efficiency and significant financial benefits, including a 5 to 10% reduction in construction costs and a 10 to 20% reduction in operating costs.

The main challenges to achieve these objectives are usually related to obtaining financing, managing people and ensuring adherence, selecting the early response and delivering the change.

Deloitte has extensive experience in digital transformation. Although the journey can be complex, we know that a successful outcome can be characterized in a very clear and simple way – with a data-driven approach, supported by an agile innovation process and a digital mindset that permeates the team and the project's organization.

How can we help

Deloitte's three-phase transformation process can support you regardless of where you are on your digital journey. It is supported by tried and tested methodologies, with relevant toolkits and accelerators to support delivery.

1. Imagine: We work side by side with the client to identify where their organization is, where it wants to go and design an action plan.

Digital diagnostics: Assess your existing digital capacity and identify problems that could be addressed by new digital initiatives.

Digital strategy: Define your vision and strategy to inform a coherent approach, capable of perceiving and accelerating value through new technologies, with tangible ambitions and deadlines.

Investment planning: Create an investment plan considering economic factors in relation to a robust assessment model.

Deloitte's Venture Path approach allows for faster innovation and less cost, while our extensive engineering and construction leadership helps solve business and technology problems. We have an investment assessment and benefit modeling toolkit to help you evaluate and decide between your investment options.

2. Construction: We use our business experience and leverage advanced technologies to put a plan in action.

Design: Build a journey based on the investment plan, design and pilot solutions for future delivery.

Delivery: Implement digital solutions, supported by analytical capabilities to maximize the value of your investment.

We have a Center of Excellence (CoE) for construction analysis, with vast experience in transition planning and readiness, which provides agile delivery for new resources and team training. We support our offerings through the Insight Driven Organization (IDO), which integrates analysis in decision making and continuous improvement.

3. Leverage: We monitor operating projects, to keep them running.

Operate: Run the capital project with enhanced digital capabilities, analyze the strategy and continue to grow.

Optimize: Enhance your digital solutions to better suit your operations as they evolve.

Deloitte has consolidated partnerships to offer simulated reality and dual 3D digital models. We can help you visualize and interact with the data to provide clear insights to project teams, management and executives.

Our solutions include:

  • Project management platform including daily digital work report (RDO-e), measurement bulletins, meeting minutes, change management, claims, among others. In addition, the platform allows customization of approval processes and flows;
  • Implementation of BIM, advanced work packaging and workface planning;
  • Support in the construction of digital twins;
  • Implementation of analytics for project indicators (KPI and OKRs) and preparation of dashboards;
  • Identification of the best portfolio and document management solutions (PPM, GED) and other software for the project's reality / Development of user manuals and training;
  • Provision of solutions and platforms in SaaS mode;
  • Support in the identification, evaluation and contact with companies that provide new innovative solutions for the project;
  • Development of customized digital solutions.

Discover all our solutions and contents in Capital Projects & Asset Transformation

Key contact

Eduardo Raffaini

Eduardo Raffaini

Leader of Infrastructure & Capital Projects and of the Energy & Chemicals and Industrial Products & Construction sectors

Lead partner for the Infrastructure & Capital Projects practice and leader of Deloitte's Center for Infrastructure & Capital Projects. He is specialized in the Energy & Resources industry with a parti... More