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Organisational Excellence

Organisations are under increasing pressure to improve their information security, yet at the same time they are challenged to reduce operational overhead.

To be able to address what appears to be conflicting priorities of improved security controls and reduced operational overheads, many information security functions undergo a rapid transformation, a ‘step change’ in the structure, governance and approach to information security. This requires an up-front investment to achieve operational excellence and alignment to the mission and strategy of the organisation.

Security Transformation

Control weaknesses in organisations can result in audit findings that are escalated to the board. A programme is required to provide a step-change in the way information security is managed through alignment and improvement in structure, governance and approach, allowing organisations to achieve operational excellence aligned to the strategy, vision and risk appetite. 

IT Risk Management

Deloitte takes a holistic approach to assessing an organisation’s security requirements. This allows us to develop strategies and architectures to help establish an enterprise-wide security and risk management programme. We also take advantage of the benefits of GRC solutions and help our clients implement them (see below). 

Security & Privacy GRC

Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) solutions allow companies to pursue an integrated approach for the management of information security (IS). By means of GRC solutions, the evaluation of controls can be partially automated. We help our clients to complement GRC solutions and to harmonize existing frameworks (policies, standards, and controls). This allows our customers to reduce the complexity of the IS requirements and to promptly evaluate risks. 

Awareness & Risk Culture

The staff awareness on topics related to information security contributes to the risk culture of a company and helps minimise the risks in this area. It is important to note that awareness campaigns are specifically designed and customized for individual target groups. Generic awareness campaigns are often ineffective and can even be counter-productive for the risk culture.