Never stop growing series

How Deloitte supports your career development - Part 1

In the first of our Q&A series on career development at Deloitte, we learn how Daniel from our Financial Advisory team and Ebba from our Consulting practice have grown with Deloitte’s learning and development offering.

Tell us a something about yourself that is not on your CV.

Daniel: Whenever I have spare time, I keep myself busy either with some physical or creative activity. When the weather is nice, I enjoy playing tennis. It requires peace of mind and concentration, forcing me to chase way any unrelated thoughts. On rainy days I like to design interiors using an architecture software.

Ebba: Having spent most of my summers on the Swedish west coast I really enjoy sailing. Although Switzerland may not have been the best relocation choice in terms of sailing prospects, I still try to make use of the beautiful lakes here. Last year I joined a rowing club. I admit that getting up early to get to the lake is tough even on the best of days, but if you beat the morning tiredness the still morning water makes up for it in a heartbeat.

When did you join Deloitte and what do you do?

Daniel: I joined Deloitte Luxembourg in October 2020, then made an internal move to Zurich in January 2022. I’m currently a M&A Senior Consultant within Deloitte’s Corporate Finance Advisory practice. In my day-to-day work I help corporations identify potential buyers for their company, put a price tag on their business and structure the sale process from start to closing. Doing so requires both analytical and soft skills.

Ebba: I joined Deloitte in January of 2022 as a trainee in People & Purpose (HR), working with the WorldClimate programme. This is our internal sustainability programme, accelerating our journey to net-zero and empowering our people to make responsible climate choices. In September 2022, I transferred to Monitor Deloitte, in which I now work as a Strategy Consultant with a focus on the sustainability practice.

Ebba, a Deloitte Strategy Consultant

How has Deloitte helped you grow and what has this meant for your career development?

Daniel: From very early on my managers at Deloitte have allowed me to attend meetings and take a leading role in several work streams with the client. Although this requires me to venture outside of my comfort zone pretty much every day, this helped me feel confident in front of C-suite executives quickly and to develop the ability to understand and sell Deloitte’s unique selling proposition.

Ebba: For me the openness to be able to explore the areas of my own interest at Deloitte has been crucial in my career development. Being supported by my peers and mentors to explore sustainability from both an internal and client-facing perspective has been a great opportunity for me to learn the diverse skills which are needed for both strategy creation and actual implementation. Even beyond the traditional trainings such as bootcamps and on-demand learnings which are offered, there are plenty of opportunities to develop in our internal communities. My personal favourite is our Climate Champions network; a community of Deloitte professionals advocating sustainability and supporting initiatives to drive our sustainability agenda.

What impact have you made at Deloitte as a result?

Daniel: The Deloitte approach helped me gain independence quickly and engage in bilateral talks with clients with little to no supervision. Therefore, I managed to build a significant network both within and outside Deloitte in no time, which I try to put at the company’s disposal daily. Furthermore, I strive to pass on any kind of knowledge - be it technical, industry- or job-related - to our more junior employees. I find it very rewarding to share with our younger staff and see them grow and mature in response.

Ebba: Being primarily dedicated to sustainability topics, impact opportunities are highly integrated in my day-to-day work. As part of WorldClimate I drove the implementation of our first Swiss Sustainability Week and Climate Champions network. At Monitor Deloitte, I have so far supported clients with decarbonisation efforts and worked on an internal initiative exploring the possibility of adding a sustainability lens to the proposals we send out to clients. Since I am passionate about sustainability, it has been an incredible opportunity to be able to create a positive impact with my work.

Daniel, a Senior M&A Consultant at Deloitte

What do you enjoy the most about your work at Deloitte?

Daniel: What I admire most at Deloitte is the flat hierarchy and the ease at which knowledge and skills flow between employees at any level of the organisation. Further, I like the swiftness at which junior staff gets to supervise and guide interns. I very much enjoy sharing Excel skills, market knowledge and accounting tips, and even more so when our trainees pro-actively come to ask for guidance.

Ebba: I really enjoy the collaborative spirit of my colleagues and the international environment at Deloitte. The supportive and motivating atmosphere encourages me every day. Of course, the job itself also provides me with valuable learning opportunities, such as learning to approach challenges both conceptually and practically. It is a great experience to be able to work on a wide variety of business challenges across various industries. On every new project you learn something different.

What do you think it takes to grow at Deloitte?

Daniel: Even with a shy personality (which I identify myself with) it is important not to hide and wait for others to deliver to you what you believe you are entitled to or deserve. Seek advice, gain exposure, take initiative (even when not specifically asked for), connect, stand up for yourself and most of all always be ready to go the extra mile. Just “getting the work done” will never be enough to become a better self.

Ebba: I believe a growth mindset is important to accelerate at Deloitte. It is about taking ownership of your personal development and actively improving your abilities. There are plenty of resources available to support your learning and development, such as junior leadership programmes or practical skills development trainings, but it is up to you to connect with them and leverage the opportunities. Even if you are struggling to find your personal purpose, there is a “Find your why” training available to figure that out.

Stay tuned for more stories of how our people are growing and making their mark at Deloitte, with clients and society!