
Forensic Technology

Deloitte’s experience in analysing large amounts of unstructured data yields an intelligent, state-of-the art approach to eDiscovery, Fraud Analytics, and Digital Forensic.

Our insight into client needs centered around the analysis of unstructured data enables us to address current matters in a cost- effective manner that is designed to withstand external scrutiny, and establishes a robust and repeatable process for the future.

Large amounts of unstructured data available for analysis insight extraction

  • Internal Investigations: data breaches, intellectual property theft, court order for disclosures.
  • Increased regulatory activity and enforcements, complexity and volume of data overwhelms internal resources and requires.
  • Compliance Issues and requirement for more advanced technologies to be utilised.
  • Matter is too large or too complex to handle internally and specialised eDiscovery management know-how needed.

Separating the signal from the noise and providing focus to investigative and analytics work

  • Vast experience in support of some of the largest national and international investigations and litigations.
  • Innovative, efficient and effective data analysis techniques using state of the art methodologies (Robotic Process Automation, Big Data; Deep Learning Cognitive; Artificial Intelligence, Data Visualisation).
  • Specialised eDiscovery workflows to handle efficiently large volumes of requests under time pressure.

  • IT Forensics – IT Investigations/ Early Case Assessment/Triage
  • Electronic Discovery/ Disclosure & Cloud eDiscovery Services
  • Managed Document Review including Concept/Context Analytics & AI assisted Review
  • Data Agent Services & Data Hosting in the Deloitte Data Centre in Zürich
  • Intelligent Content Extraction including Contract Analytics
  • Assisted/Automated Redactions (GDPR)

Our approach to eDiscovery

We are Discovery strategy and operations pioneers. We see the challenges of eDiscovery through our client’s eyes responding innovatively with the support of one of the world’s most advanced analytical forensic technology businesses.

Our approach to Fraud Analytics

Our insight into client needs is centered around the analysis of unstructured data. This enables us to address current matters in a cost-effective manner that is designed to withstand external scrutiny, and establishes a robust and repeatable process for the future.

How we've helped our clients

An energy trading company was required to supply thousands of digital documents to its regulators at short notice (within one week), in a form that complied with the GDPR rules on personal data privacy. The task involved replacing fields of personally-identifiable data in the documents with artificial identifiers (pseudonyms).

Using eDiscovery methods and technology-assisted redaction procedures to edit the data, a Deloitte team was able to identify the documents required by the regulators and ‘pseudonymize’ personal data within them to comply with the GDPR. The client was able to meet the tight deadlines for data submission, with a high level of confidence in the accuracy of the data provided.

Do you have a similar issue that we can help with? Contact one of our experts below.

How we help our clients


Sven Probst

Sven Probst

Lead Partner Forensic

Sven is the Lead Partner for Forensic in Switzerland. Having started his career as a banker, he has provided advice and assurance services to the industry for over 20 years. Sven has extensive experie... More

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