Learning framework


Learning framework

Deloitte Learning Solutions enables business-specific learning taking an integrated approach on how learning is organised, developed and delivered in the context of your business.

Integrated learning approach

Our team provides learning solutions along the three pillars:

Learning is a driving force for company performance. We have the experience and capabilities to support initiatives both large and small scale.

Learning strategy & operations

Efficiency, effectiveness and business alignment are key to a high impact learning organisation

Learning and Development is no longer an activity that can be pushed to the organisation from just one department. It needs to be fully embedded across the organisation. This will enable the organisation to execute on their business strategies and plans, to succeed in the competitive market for talent and to keep up with the constant upgrade of skills. The C-suite clearly understands that Learning and Development is an integral part of the organisation’s business strategy. We work closely with organisations to design learner centric strategies, refine learning target operating models, design governance structures and develop processes that will put the learning organisation to life.

The focus of learning strategy and operations is to pave the path to develop a high impact learning organisation aligned with the business strategy, and according to the maturity of an organisation with respect to learning.

Learning strategy & operations

Learning design & development

Effective and aligned courses and curricula

A key aspect about learning is not only the content, but also the delivery. The learning format should best possibly match and promote the learning content. Different learning styles should be considered and reflected in modern and innovative delivery methods (e.g. videos, gamification, nano-learning, MOOCs, etc.).

Learning will move away from static classroom formats managed and pushed by L&D. The employee needs to be empowered to drive their own learning journey with a user-centric approach. Learners should experience learning as easy to use, self-directed, dynamic and enabled by technology solutions.

A well developed learning serves several business purposes. Firstly, skill development and capability building is enhanced in employees to better meet work challenges. As professional growth opportunities are crucial for employees, well-developed learning interventions are a key differentiator for organisations to be able to attract and retain talent and ensure engagement.

Learning design & development

Learning solution examples

Our team has the capability to design and deliver adaptive and immersive learning experiences for the modern learner. Modern solutions must be engaging, using animations, video, interaction and gamification elements. Individualized simulations, scenarios and virtual coaches help to customize and tailor content to specific requirements of your business environment. As learners look for options to learn on the go, mobile apps and nano learning with small learning capsules are essential. We also offer specialized expertise through our Centers of Excellence in Learning in Belgium and the US. We also closely collaborate with our member firms across the globe to give our clients the best resources, teams and tools in the industry.

Learning Technology & Innovation

Modernising your learning infrastructure

The world of learning is changing. The modern learner brings both new and higher expectations to business learning, presenting new challenges and opportunities.

Learning Management Systems are no longer the “solution”. They are just a node in the learning technology ecosystem allowing multiple tools and systems to work in tandem to deliver an engaging and seamless learning experience.

At Deloitte, we help maximize the technology investments not just by designing and teaching content but by providing innovative and modern learning experiences that delight and engage employees.

Learning Technology & Innovation

Key contact

Shubhra Saxena Kabra

Shubhra Saxena Kabra


Shubhra is a Manager in the Organisational Transformation & Talent practice. She is co-leading the Deloitte Learning practice in Switzerland. In the context of client strategic and operational transfo... More