Divestitures and separations


Perspectives on driving divestiture and carve-out value

Divestitures and separations

Whether you are contemplating your first divestiture, consider yourself a seasoned veteran of carve-outs, or are a functional leader working through complex separation challenges, this article collection was designed with you in mind. It is full of leading divestiture practices and insights. Access this compendium to learn insights on driving value through the divestiture and separation process.

This collection of articles can be read cover-to-cover as a practical guide to maximizing shareholder value through careful divestiture execution or individually by going directly to one of the chapters listed here or a specific article that pertains to your current interest or situation.

  • Divestiture survey
  • Divestiture strategy
  • Transaction execution and due diligence
  • Separation planning and value realization
  • Functional carve-out perspectives

We hope that you will find this compendium and its breadth and depth of information to be a helpful resource.

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