
Customer Breach Support

Protecting your customers, reputation, and brand through a data breach

Increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks can catch even well-governed organisations off guard, exposing customers to possible identity theft and fraud, and threatening the organisation's reputation, customer base, and revenue. Learn how a comprehensive, preplanned response can help protect your organisation and customers while addressing regulatory compliance.

Fast, effective support through an end-to-end service

Customer Breach Support is a Deloitte managed service that provides your organisation and its customers with fast, effective breach response capabilities. There are two core components to the service. First, a specialist prebreach program ensures all critical elements of breach response planning are in place and ready in advance of an incident. Second, in the event of a data breach we help to notify, support, and protect your end consumers and their identities, with the objective of mitigating operational, reputational, and financial risks.

Pre-breach: Reserved Response Support

A subscription to our Reserved Response Support service gives you access to the capability and capacity to mount an effective breach response. A specialised Deloitte team helps your organisation with planning and preparation, while our Operational Hub establishes infrastructure, capacity, and breach response procedures, including:

  • Reserved response - Contractual agreements that specify timely outreach and customer contact capacity required for your customer base
  • Breach readiness - Confirmation of breach notification plans and verification that your organisation’s customer data is ready for transfer to support customer outreach
  • Response validation exercise - A desktop breach notification exercise that tests end-to-end breach processes, from response activation and message development to call centre support
  • Acceptance onto breach service - Client is accepted onto the Reserved Response Support service upon completion of the planning, preparation, and readiness activities

Once onboarded, your organisation can depend upon Deloitte’s infrastructure, capacity, skills, and logistical reach for swift and effective response to a customer breach on any scale.

Post-breach: Live customer breach response

Upon breach response activation, Deloitte will launch preplanned, controlled support for your customers. An incident management team mobilises the Operational Hub and coordinates service elements, including:

  • Breach activation - Initiation of breach response protocols upon identification of a data breach and notification to Deloitte
  • Response strategy - Consolidation of the data file to support notification mailing; finalisation and signature of the pre-agreed contractual statement of work specifying services and fees
  • Customer notification and communication - Launch of a customer notification campaign via mail, website, or substitute notice, supported by guaranteed call centre resource
  • Customer ID protection and repair - Four levels of response to customer enquiries covering basic questions, detailed needs, credit monitoring, and identity support, protection and repair

Key contact

Klaus Julisch

Klaus Julisch

Managing Partner, Risk Advisory

Dr. Klaus Julisch is Managing Partner for Risk Advisory, a member of the Swiss Executive and lead partner of Deloitte's cyber practice in Switzerland. As a member of the European cyber leadership team... More