Advance or Retreat: Navigating through times in transition


Advance or Retreat: Navigating through times in transition

Deloitte Perspective

January 2014 (Volume II)

BY / William Chou and Iris Li

  The Deloitte Technology Fast 50 program is now in its ninth year in China. Since its launch over eight years ago, thousands of high tech and high growth companies have participated in the program, of which nearly 400 winning companies have become shining stars in Asia for their stunning growth. In the 2012 CEO Survey Report, we summarized eight laws of growth for hi-tech companies including building sustainable competitiveness that cannot be easily replicated and prioritizing a resource allocation system. In 2013, with a slowing economy in China, we have focused on the theme of “Offensive or Defensive”. It is our hope that by reviewing different choices made by the enterprises when confronting changes in the macroenvironment and market conditions, we can find a solution for them.

  CEOs of Chinese hi-tech companies are facing an economic situation much more complex than ever. The average growth rate of enterprises nosedived from 996% in 2012 to 452% in 2013, indicating that China’s hi-tech enterprises are still highly influenced by fluctuations in the macro-economy. To adopt an offensive or defensive strategy is a question requiring careful thought by CEOs. Based on a survey of CEOs from approximately 80 outstanding hi-tech companies, we have identified six characteristics required for the successful development of outstanding companies.

William Chou
Deloitte China Audit Partner / National Technology, Media & Telecommunications Industry Managing Partner

Iris Li
Deloitte China Research & Insight Centre Manager / Technology, Media & Telecommunications Industry Researcher

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