
Life at Deloitte

Meet Our People

Levin Shu
Consulting | Analyst

During my secondment to Hong Kong office, I gained profound insights of the industry, friendship among colleagues, and guidance from approachable leadership, which have been the keys to expand my networks, establish clear goals and drive career growth in the new environment. The approachable leadership and team collaboration enabled me to give full play to my ability and continuous improvement.

Mobility to realize cross-culture learning

I am honored being part of the mobility program to learn and grow in a new environment. The diversified team not only enabled me to learn from colleagues about their extensive experience and professional knowledge, but also helped us to develop multiple perspectives and make greater and deeper impacts on clients. Such diversified and inclusive environment also promotes cross-cultural communications. We had many meaningful conversations after work, ranging from cultural differences to local food, which enhanced team friendship and solidarity.

When I joined the team, my leaders and mentors spent a lot of time to guide me on how to structure arguments, make effective presentations, and demonstrate insights to clients to help me quickly adapt to the new working methods and communication styles.

Approachable leadership to boost my growth

I remembered at the beginning of my secondment, during the meetings, I was afraid of expressing my ideas as a new comer. After a while, the leader spotted it and encouraged me to express my opinions confidently, because "every colleague's idea matters". I explained my concept of the module in a table, and surprisingly the leader adopted my concept and adjusted practices accordingly.

For the terms and certain elements that I didn't understand, whenever I emailed or offline consulted with my leaders and mentors, they would always quickly respond and feedback. They have used their own academic knowledge and industry insights, not only to guide me on how to solve the problems and why to do it, but also guide me to understand from broader perspectives and think about how to solve them in the future. Leaders and mentors often invited me for lunches and local team activities. They helped me build up networks and provided me with suggestions for leisure activities - such as local hiking areas and restaurants. During holidays, I was honored to experience the local folk culture and other festival activities with other international seconded mentors.

I am appreciate such approachable leadership at the beginning of my career. Their patience, guidance and caring lead me to grow and encourage me to realize my value.

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