
Cyber Risk

Risk powers performance

We are pleased to share with you our latest Cyber Risk thought leadership:

  • Assessing cyber risk: Critical questions for the board and the C-suite
  • Cyber crisis management: Readiness, response, and recovery

Key findings

Assessing cyber risk: Critical questions for the board and the C-suite

As cyber threats evolve and expand beyond fraud and theft—to include disruption of services, corruption or destruction of data, and “ransomware”— cyber risk has become a top-tier issue that requires active oversight by the board and the C-suite.

And with risk and performance more tightly intertwined than ever, getting a clear view of where your organization stands becomes imperative. Ten critical questions from Deloitte can help board members and the C-suite develop that clear view and unlock insights into their cyber posture.

Cyber crisis management: Readiness, response, and recovery

Effective crisis preparation coordinates multiple functions and skill sets across the entire crisis management lifecycle of readiness, response, and recovery.

Cyber crisis management: Readiness, response, and recovery, explores the ways organizations can ready themselves for effective response and recovery.

(English version)

Contact us for further information

Should you have any questions or to learn more about the thought leadership, please feel free to contact Risk Advisory.

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