ESG Reporting: Retrospect and Prospect
Deloitte Risk Advisory Seminar
6 June 2017, Hong Kong
Environmental, Social and Governance ("ESG") reporting has become a "comply or explain" requirement for all Hong Kong listed companies since the financial year commencing on or after 1 January 2016. As many listed companies have already issued their first ESG report, it is the time for us to review the lesson learnt from the first year reporting, and get prepared for the next report with additional disclosures of environmental key performance indicators.
At the same time, listed companies should not only focus on fulfilling the current compliance requirements, but should also integrate ESG into business and risk management processes, and leverage the opportunity to create shared values.
About this Seminar
In this seminar, the representative of Hong Kong Stock Exchange and our ESG experts will share their observations on the first year ESG reports, the common challenges in managing ESG issues and their recommendations, as well as the latest and future development of ESG reporting requirements.
Event details
6 June 2017 (Tuesday)
6:00 PM Registration and networking
6:30 PM Seminar
Q&A session
7:30 PM End
Deloitte China
35/F One Pacific Place
88 Queensway
Hong Kong
Cantonese supplemented with English
CPD hour:
1 hour
Free of charge
Ellie Pang
Vice President │ Hong Kong Stock Exchange
Melissa Fung
Partner │ Deloitte China Risk Advisory
Herbert Yung
Associate Director │ Deloitte China Risk Advisory
Registration and Enquiry
Please click here to register for the event.
Our firm reserves the right to make the final selection. Once registration has been completed, a final seat confirmation note will be addressed to you in 7 working days.
Event and registration details:
Sheryl Lam
Deloitte China Risk Advisory
Tel: +852 2238 7043