
Steer to success through the storm

Risk Advisory seminar

26 September 2019 | Hong Kong

Our economy and society are now facing various challenges and uncertainties. Enterprises that managed to get through and excel in the difficult situations always seek to proactively address risks, leverage opportunities, and position the company to respond rapidly as the risk landscape evolves.

Common limitations that hinder companies to prepare for future risks and opportunities include untested assumptions about the impact of potential future conditions and events, and failure to identify the full range of organizational responses and their potential effects.

In this seminar, our Risk Advisory professionals will share with you how Deloitte could assist companies to:

  • Embrace uncertainty and make informed decisions through strategic stress testing
  • Identify and recover hidden financial leakage that are very likely accumulating in operations.
  • Optimize business processes and discover cost-saving opportunities


Event details

26 September 2019 (Thursday)

6:15 PM  Registration and networking
6:45 PM  Seminar & Q&A session
8:00 PM  End of seminar

Deloitte China
35/F One Pacific Place
88 Queensway
Hong Kong

Cantonese & English

Free of charge



Scan the below QR code or click here for registration. Registration is on a "first-come first-served" basis. You will receive confirmation as to whether your registration has been successful. 


Event and registration details:

Sheryl Lam
Deloitte China Risk Advisory
Tel: +852 2238 7043