China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone: New regulation issued on overseas debt financing for FTZ entities


China's Pilot FTZs: State Council announces framework plans for Guangdong, Tianjin and Fujian FTZs and a new negative list

Business Regulation and Tax Newsflash

Issue 20 - 21 April 2015

On 20 April 2015, the State Council released framework plans for the Guangdong, Tianjin and Fujian Pilot Free Trade Zones (FTZs).  Each of the new FTZs will comprise three sub-zones, each serving different functions and focusing on different business sectors.

Guangdong Pilot FTZ

Guangzhou Nansha New Area (60
  • Transportation and logistics
  • Financial industry
  • International business and trading
  • High-end manufacturing
Shenzhen Qianhai Shekou (28.2
  • Financial industry
  • Modern logistics
  • Information services
  • Science and technology services
Zhuhai Hengqin New Area (28
  • Tourism, leisure and health care
  • Business and financial services
  • Cultural, science and education services
  • High-new tech


Tianjin Pilot FTZ

Tianjin Harbor (30
  • Shipping and logistics
  • International trading
  • Finance leasing
Tianjin Airport (43.1
  • High-end manufacturing in relation to aviation, equipment and new information technology
  • R&D and design
  • Aviation and logistics
Binhai CBD Area (46.8
  • Financial innovation


Fujian Pilot FTZ

Pingtan (43
  • International tourism
Xiamen (43.78
  • Cross-straits emerging industries and modern services
  • International transportation
  • Cross-straits regional financial and trading centre
Fuzhou (31.26
  • Advanced manufacturing
  • International cooperation platform of 21st century "Maritime Silk Road"
  • Cross-straits service and financial innovation


On the same day, the State Council announced:

  • The existing Shanghai Pilot FTZ will be expanded to cover three new areas: Lujiazhui Financial District (34.26, Jinqiao Development Zone (20.48 and Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park (37.2
  • A new Negative List will be applied to all four FTZs. The items in the new Negative List numbers 122 (reduced from 139).  We will shortly be issuing a newsletter summarising the major changes.


Please follow the links (Guangdong, Tianjin, Fujian, Shanghai and new Negative List) for a copy of the relevant State Council announcements (in Chinese only). You may also access the relevant information and regulations about Pilot FTZs via Deloitte's dedicated portal page.

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