2014年亚洲金融论坛 “亚洲:带动全球增长” 将深入探讨亚太区内金融市场及企业所面临的契机及挑战,透析亚洲在世界舞台上的角色转变。以下是德勤中国挑选了与2014年论坛的议题有关的一系列报告:
- 价值衡量: 货币新形态:金融创新与货币演变
- Can you carry your money in your mobile? M-Banking & M-Payments: The Next Frontier (只限英文版)
- Who says banks can't be social – Become a social bank, inside and out (只限英文版)
- The Digital Back Office: Are you really ready for digital? (只限英文版)
- Insurance Tech Trends 2013: Elements of postdigital (只限英文版)
- 2014 Banking Industry Outlook - Repositioning for growth: Agility in a re-regulated world(只限英文版)
- 2014 Capital Markets Outlook - Repositioning for growth: New model for a new era(只限英文版)
- Elements for successful growth in financial services: Poised for opportunities(只限英文版)
- Driving change: Five questions every bank must answer to justify a core transformation(只限英文版)
- Kicking it up a notch: Taking retail bank cross-selling to the next level(只限英文版)
- 2013中国保险业十大趋势与展望
- 2013年中国银行业十大趋势与展望
- 强资本约束时代下银行战略转型:构建以资本约束为核心的中国商业银行资本管理体系的对策及建议
- 信守承诺: 将客户置于个人金融服务的核心
- 第四维:构建以客户为中心的零售银行业务模式