LIBOR transition
Setting your firm up for success
Regulators have signalled the need for firms to transition from LIBOR by the end of 2021. Given the degree of uncertainty and complexity, transition is likely to be one of the biggest transformation programmes many firms will have undertaken.
Regulators globally have signalled that firms should transition away from the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) to alternative overnight risk-free rates (RFRs). Andrew Bailey, Chief Executive of the UK Financial Conduct Authority, has stipulated that this should happen by the end of 2021.
However, the rate is so embedded in the day-to-day activities of providers and users of financial services that completing transition will be a complex and time consuming task which could give rise to major risks for firms and their customers. It is vital that Boards take action now, but how do they navigate these issues, against a backdrop of uncertainty, and deliver one of the (if not the) biggest transformation projects they have ever faced? This report is designed to help Board members and executives understand what is needed to drive transition.
In this report, we examine the three steps that, in our view, Boards should consider.
Step 1: Mobilise a cross-business unit and geography transition programme with C-level sponsorship
We provide an illustrative governance framework for LIBOR transition and examine what makes this transition different and how this could affect programme governance.
Step 2: Set out a transition roadmap
Four key blocks of activity will make up the transition programmes:
- identifying financial exposures and defining the approach to transition;
- launching RFR-linked products and building RFR volumes;
- transitioning the back book/legacy trades; and
- switching off LIBOR processes and infrastructure.
We set out important considerations for Boards when mobilising the workstreams within these blocks.
Step 3: Identify the risks and implement potential mitigants early
There are significant risks for LIBOR transition that the Board needs to be confident are being addressed. These include: the creation of “winners and losers” resulting in reputational damage and claims by clients for redress; clients’ unwillingness to transition, resulting in LIBOR exposures continuing to grow; and the effects on financial performance which may result in shortfalls against financial plans.
We examine the risks and highlight potential mitigants to address them.
IBOR Reform services
Deloitte’s Global Interbank Offered Rate practice is working with firms across the industry to assist them with their benchmark transition programmes. To find out more, please contact one of our experts listed below.
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