
BERLIN Project – Third Newsletter

BERLIN consortium published the 3rd project newsletter which highlights the commencement of monitoring phase of the energy consumption in pilot buildings in Cyprus, Italy, Greece and Israel

Deloitte is glad to be part of the BERLIN project consortium, a project which aims to implement cross-border pilot measures to support innovative and cost effective energy rehabilitations in public buildings based on the nanogrid concept, the building block for smart microgrids. Deloitte’s role is to support the project activities on dissemination & capitalisation, financial analysis and reporting, project and quality management.

Even though the COVID-19 pandemic has caused certain delays on some project activities, the BERLIN partners continued to work collaboratively towards achieving the objectives of the project. Partners’ work focused mainly on the technical preparation of the pilots in the four countries, in order to launch the required public procurement processes in relation to the purchase and installation of all the necessary equipment and turnkey solutions.

You can read the third newsletter in this link.

If you are interested to learn more about the project you can visit out website or follow the project’s account on Facebook and Twitter.

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