
XBRL Assurance

XBRL stands for eXtensible Business Reporting Language and is the reporting format that financial reports should be created with. It was introduced to make reporting easier and to facilitate accessibility, analysis, and comparability of annual financial reports.

Under the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) regulation, issuers whose securities (shares or bonds) are admitted to trading on an EU-regulated market, must comply issuers whose securities (shares or bonds) are admitted to trading on an EU regulated market, for annual financial reports for fiscal years beginning on or after 1 January 2021.

How can we help

  • Impact Assessment: We can carry out an impact assessment to help you understand how XBRL will influence your business and assess whether there are appropriate processes and controls in place to comply with the new regulations
  • Vendor selection: We can provide advice on identifying the solution that best fits your needs 
  • Implementation: We can provide support throughout the implementation process to ensure that all regulatory requirements are covered
  • Quality review: We can review the appropriateness of XBRL tagging within the reports and identify any areas of improvement

Get in touch

Andreas Andreou

Andreas Andreou

Partner in Charge of the Nicosia office

Andreas is an Audit & Assurance partner, in charge of the Nicosia office and he leads the Assurance Business. Andreas is also the Insurance Industry Leader for Deloitte Cyprus. Andreas is also the Nat... More

Kypros Patsalides

Kypros Patsalides

Senior Manager

Kypros is a Senior Manager in the Audit & Assurance at Deloitte Cyprus since 2020. He has previously worked for almost 20 years, in one of the largest local banks and its insurance subsidiary’s  IT de... More