


Indirect Tax

Effective management of global trade decisions and obligations is an important factor in a global supply chain. Today, multinational groups must integrate their international trade processes into their overall business strategy.

The increasing digitalization of compliance and reporting obligations requires businesses to manage and report their global trade activities electronically. Real time self-assessment and control checks are becoming standard.

Deloitte specialists develop global trade automation strategies that can identify opportunities for simplification and efficiency, analyze data and manage the risks, and costs associated with global trade management and reporting.

Deloitte’s Global Trade Advisory specialists work alongside technology specialists to provide a unique, holistic perspective on global trade automation strategies. Our professionals have helped many clients develop tailored solutions that have been implemented without disruption to ongoing compliance or core business activities.

Deloitte’s customs compliance solution TrackonTrade integrates with existing operational processes and ERP and helps businesses by automating various European import, export, storage, processing and transportation procedures, documents and data. TrackonTrade is regularly updated, allowing your businesses to be compliant with the latest legislative and regulatory changes.

TrackonTrade is delivered by Deloitte's Global Trade Advisory Practice EMEA including specialized customs tax lawyers, software application and database specialists.