
Online Education in the Time of the Coronavirus

How to ensure education without school attendance?

The COVID-19 pandemic shut down schools overnight. It is still not clear how long the measures will last; there is also no single guide that would help schools with a quick transition to the new form of education. And yet, considering the current measures, this is vital. Which tools can directors and teachers use to ensure continuity of education and move lessons from classrooms to homes?

Directors and teachers are now facing an enormous challenge of ensuring education in the times of the coronavirus. Primary and secondary schools do not have much experience with distance learning, though, and the same goes for online lessons, the only possible solution for the current situation.

Deloitte has therefore focused on solving the current education issue and offers assistance to directors of primary and secondary schools in optimising education and its transition into the online environment.

Deloitte advisory for primary and secondary schools offers assistance in the following three areas:
  • Introducing measures to ensure online education
  • Converting the learning content into online from
  • Consulting technical requisites of online education
  • Assistance with the use and optimisation of established learning systems and lesson organisation platforms in order to distribute and gather online materials and organise online lectures
  • Using end-to-end solutions by Google or Microsoft and their integration into learning systems
Checklist: Introducing online education



Paid service

Creating a community, webinars, connecting people and knowledge  
Ongoing online education Consulting, recommending suitable teaching platforms Preparing the methodology of online education. Tailor-made project of digitalisation of teaching and its practical implementation, including technological solutions.
Converting learning content into online form Consulting, recommending appropriate platforms Revising study materials, optimising materials for online use, selecting and preparing a suitable platform for the implementation of the project and its conversion into online environment.
Integration of a combination of comprehensive third-party solutions Consulting, recommending appropriate platforms Mapping the best practices and subsequent implementation of selected solutions

Non-binding consultation and assistance for school directors and teachers

With access to the internet, each student now has an opportunity to continue learning, and schools have tools to ensure lessons. However, the whole process needs to be handled systematically, respecting the individual needs of each school. The current situation puts considerate requirements on schools. We will be happy to advise you on how to handle online education in the time of the coronavirus and recommend a suitable solution. You can send us your enquiries at Our experts will get in touch with you within 48 hours at the latest.

Well-rounded education in the time of the coronavirus

The current situation presents an especially large challenge for schools, since they have to set up a stable, well-rounded and viable (at least for a couple of months) system of online education – all of that very quickly and quite at the twelfth hour. Everything that took place in the form of a direct contact until now – from the teaching itself, oral exams and tests to practical demonstrations – will now have to be digitalised, not to mention all the processes that are behind the teaching itself. Directors are now facing the important question of how to ensure this transformation. We also cannot forget that a school is not “just” a building or an institution – most of all, it is an all-embracing system of education, administration and governance. Read more about the topic on our blog

Deloitte webcast recorded: Online education in the time of the coronavirus

We are working on additional online seminars on this topic. Follow our website, where you can register for the free webcasts.

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Jan Hejtmánek

Jan Hejtmánek

Partner | Deloitte CE AI Institute Leader

Jan is a Partner in the Consulting department at Deloitte in the Czech Republic. He leads the Intelligent Automation team for Deloitte CE and is a member of the Intelligent Automation Committee for De... More