Automated regulatory compliance
How posted workers processes can be turned into competitive advantage
A posted worker is an employee sent temporarily by his employer to provide services in another EU Member State.
This, however, requires the creation of PWD registrations. PWD is an EU regulation that obliges employers to notify the authorities about the posting’s details. Each member state has a different form and different process. Some countries use web forms, others use Word templates. Some registrations are sent by email and others by post. So registration is not an easy process.
NIUMAD is an online service that collects the required information about posted workers. It offers a solution for companies whose employees travel abroad and require assistance with this complicated registration.
The NIUMAD application collects the required data from users in different regions with the requested data quality. The website serves as an input form for travellers, where they enter information about their business trips. The service supports data validation at the time of submission to ensure that none of the required data is missing.
Each client has a separate NIUMAD instance that can be set up according to the client’s requirements and needs. This ensures that registration is faster and user-friendly, which saves travellers and companies a lot of time.
NIUMAD has two interfaces: Traveller and Administration.
In the Traveller interface, users can easily create new trips. There is also a History section, where they can see past trips and add them to Favourites or repeat them, for example.
The Administration interfaces allows management of all aspects of the Traveller interface. Administration users can create new questions and companies, edit them, group them into logical units and translate into many languages.