Supply Chain Risk Management System


Supply Chain Risk Management System

A way to ensure your supply chain process remains as smooth and resilient as possible through real-time text data analysis. Our solution brings unique insight that will allow your organisation to anticipate dangerous situations in time or assess and evaluate your suppliers, customers and competitors.

Text Analytics

We utilise thousands of sources of text data in 11 languages to cut through the noise and find relevant items that may have otherwise slipped through the cracks. Due to the broad range of available sources, text analytics can be introduced to various industries and tailored to your needs in categories such as:

  • Geopolitical (e.g. conflicts, border issues, immigration, credit rating)
  • Security (e.g. terrorism, air and marine travel, rioting, kidnapping)
  • Cybersecurity (e.g. computer crimes, DDOS attacks, vulnerabilities)
  • Industrial (e.g. accidents, contamination, infrastructure failures, oil spills)
  • Natural (e.g. earthquake, fires, storms, heat waves, floods)
  • Corporate (e.g. fraud, corruption, conflict of interest, compliance issues)
  • Health (e.g. pandemic, ebola,  zika, malaria, food safety, gene mutations)   


Our analysis is capable of finding those relevant items and classify sentences they form as well as meaning they carry. So for example a mention of the tracked subject in a fresh news piece will be caught and analysed – what is its context, is it negative, positive, what kind of event it relates to etc. Such resource is invaluable during procurement, management or monitoring stage of Supply Chain.

To, for example:

  • Make pre-qualification process much more efficient
  • Perform a safety check before opening a new purchase order
  • Gain real-time awareness of your suppliers’ situations
  • Greatly simplify sustaining effective regulatory compliance
  • Mitigate risks associated with acquisitions and build resilience

Real-time risk evaluation of more than 1 million companies

Keep an eye on your suppliers, customers or competitors. Updated information is displayed in an organised situational awareness dashboard that will allow you not to miss a single event. You can see all events and scenarios related to a company on a timeline as well as their intensity and type and also set filters to only observe what your business needs.

Holistic assessment of a single subject

It is also possible to focus on one corporation in great depth and have access to aggregated data from multiple sources in one place. List of events and accompanying information – such as date, source or language as well as detailed graphs and summaries providing more context and flexibility to the data.

Contact us

Donovan Spronk

Donovan Spronk

Partner AI & Data | AWS Alliance Lead CE

Donovan is a Partner in the Consulting department and Leader of the AI & Data team within Deloitte in the Czech Republic. Donovan leads the AWS Alliance in CE, which brings the joint power of Deloitte... More