

Corporate sustainability in line with international commitments

One of the non-financial indicators of companies is their carbon footprint. Responsible companies should strive to reduce it in order to contribute to the fight against the increase in the average global temperature. At Deloitte, we therefore help companies calculate and report their carbon footprint, as well as set up an effective decarbonisation strategy to achieve all their sustainability goals.

A number of countries have signed up to the UN Climate Change Convention (Paris Agreement), which is the follow-up to the Kyoto Protocol. The goal of the countries participating in the agreement is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by half by 2030 and to net zero by 2050. We can achieve this ambitious but necessary goal together if all sectors are engaged in reducing their environmental impacts as businesses and the public sector contribute to climate change. 

Company and product carbon footprint calculation 

Deloitte has been helping clients with company and product carbon footprint calculation and reporting. We can help client find the appropriate method and scope of company reporting, drafting the optimal data collection scope for calculating emissions in GHG Protocol Scope 1, 2 & 3, and identifying gaps in data collection.

Once carbon footprint is calculated, we can help clients adapt the emissions reporting approach in further steps to meet Net-Zero targets, for example under the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). 

Deloitte added value is in experienced data validation. Only then we can ensure robust carbon footprint calculation, and reporting. The GHG report introduces total CO2 emissions (GHG Protocol Scope 1, 2 & 3) with the description of trends – for potential use in sustainability reporting or committing to the SBTi. Deloitte provides recommendations for improving the data collection based on gap analysis. 

Our service for company and product carbon footprint calculation includes the calculation a reporting according to the GHG protocol and ISO 14064. 

Decarbonization strategy 

As part of our service, Deloitte helps clients create effective company decarbonization strategies. The overall aim is to set ambitious but at the same time achievable goals that are in line with international commitments. We help clients set goals in line with recognized the Science-Based-Targets initiative (SBTi). 

Setting goals is only one of many steps on the decarbonization journey. Another is the analysis and development of potential decarbonization pathways with the help of impact modeling.

Through having a concrete decarbonization strategy the client increases its regulatory resilience; improves the reputation of the brand and increases its overall competitive advantage.

Sustainability Glossary



A circular economy that increases the efficiency of production and thus the quality of the environment and human life


Reducing the company’s carbon footprint according to a set strategy with short-term milestones and long-term goals.


A marketing tactic that builds on ignorance of environmental issues and falsely uses environmental protection to increase profits.

Renewable energy

Energy from renewable sources - solar, water, wind, geothermal, biomass and ocean energy.

Responsible supply chain

Working with suppliers who provide transparent information about their environmental performance while committing to regulate their company’s environmental and human impacts.

Third party verification

Verification of your activities, data collection and achievement of objectives by an independent evaluator.

Sustainability Report

Transparent reporting of environmental, social and governance results and targets over time.

Carbon neutrality

There are zero carbon dioxide emissions through a balance between emitted CO2 and natural carbon dioxide uptake.

Climate neutrality

Refers to all greenhouse gases; a source is climate neutral if it does not contribute to climate warming since its greenhouse gases are emitted into the atmosphere at the same rate as they are removed from the atmosphere. 

Carbon footprint

Sum of a company’s emissions from direct and indirect activities.

Green building

A construction built on ecological principles to minimise the impact on the environment.