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Digital Transformation

A comprehensive solution under one umbrella

In today's world, digital transformation is becoming an important step for almost every modern company, be it in the context of moving towards already defined goals, resilience and maturity, or following key trends.

Like all complex processes, digital transformation involves many aspects, ranging from business models, project management, and innovative culture change to adjustments in internal processes and ways of working, as well as the development of new capabilities and skills. In other words, digital transformation may be understood not only as a process of incorporating digital technologies into a company‘s existing operational model to modify it substantially. More importantly, it entails an overall change in mindset and way of operating. Undergoing digital transformation therefore involves other steps that go beyond the implementation of digital technologies and should not be overlooked or ignored if digital transformation is to be successful and profitable. One of them is undoubtedly the transformation of the corporate culture. Another example is the strategic management of structural changes in line with the newly implemented digital architecture and the alignment of people with technology. Other operational principles include innovation, leadership and risk management. 

The journey through digital transformation is far from easy – it requires strategic planning, significant interventions into the internal structures and adequate resources. As the complexity of the process implies, there is enough room for serious errors to lurk undetected and fundamentally affect your company's future operations if not identified and corrected in time.

Towards digital transformation: What awaits on the path to competitive advantage?

Nowadays, changes are happening at an ever-increasing pace. Those that are making companies faster, more efficient, more competitive and more profitable are on the rise and pose a considerable challenge. Nonetheless, the benefits these digital changes offer are no small attraction. Afterall, digital solutions help to streamline business and other processes, reduce costs, attract talent, create new opportunities and accelerate further change.


In the context of digital transformation, a vision and clearly defined goals as a starting point are as important as a deep understanding of trends and needs. Only with strategic intent in sight does it makes sense to proceed with an in-depth analysis of the current state of your organization, its existing processes, weaknesses, and strengths, and the evaluation of readiness for change.


Digital transformation is more than just technology - it involves a shift in mindset that enables organizations to rethink their business models and processes and take advantage of the opportunities created by new technologies. Thus, for a successful transformation, attention must also be paid to human factors. The readiness and development of all stakeholders, their openness to change, communication, and relevant support of all concerned, for example through training and education programs, are similarly crucial as the active involvement of digital talent and their expertise.


There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Each company is unique and hence it is fundamental to carefully consider one‘s specific needs and requirements before onsetting digital transformation and implementing technology solutions. The technologies implemented should be aligned with your company's strategic vision and long-term plans. Each solution‘s relevancy in the context of your own business plans, reliability, uptime, compatibility with other systems and processes in the ecosystem, and security should all play a significant role in the decision-making and implementation process. It is worthwhile to also prepare for unexpected scenarios, re-evaluate results and continuously plan for future frequent checks and renewals.

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Jakub Höll

Jakub Höll


Jakub leads the Operational Risk Team at the Risk Advisory department, Deloitte Czech Republic. He focuses on project management, agile and digital transformations of companies, data privacy and gover... More