
BI Tool Evaluation (BITE)

Are you sure that your deployed BI tool enables you to fully use all benefits of the BI package? Or how about possible optimization and finding the “best fit” option for you to save you money?

Maybe you struggle with accessibility of BI tool because of non-unified data sources and reports need to be done manually that is prone to errors. We can help you with those and many other points on your way to become data-driven organization!

To become a data-driven company, you need to change the whole mindset of your organization to be successful. Otherwise, you will fail.  You need to handle your data and ensure its quality, prepare your people for this change, and trained them to understand the data and insights from it. However, at the same time you should consider a BI infrastructure → which BI technology you will deploy into your environment.

But how to find your “best fit” among so many BI tools? It is easy with BITE!

BI Tool Evaluation (BITE) is a Deloitte' s method for effective evaluation of various Business Intelligence tools, such as Tableau, Power BI, Qlik Sense, Google Looker, any many other BI tools.

To start your BI Transformation journey, you should start with scanning possible BI tools and decide about (at least) 1 tool that fits the best to your requirements and needs based on comparison of tools with each other.


How we can help

Our approach within BITE process is based on several steps to find the best BI option for you:

  1. First, we will conduct a set of workshops to know your business needs and requirements and collect them in a form of various User Stories. Moreover, we also need to understand technical and financial requirements to cover and deliver a complex BI solution
  2. When the initial scan is done, we will agree on the Evaluation criteria, i.e. what points are important to consider, and we will weight them accordingly in the next step.
    1. All criteria are collected as a part of our evaluation tool and divided into 3 sections to connect them with your requirements – Business, Technical, and Financial.
    2. There are almost 100 criteria in total, but we will choose only relevant ones tailored to your needs.
    3. We also consider your BI vision and/or align with other initiatives around BI implementation planned or running within your organization.
  3. Based on defined Evaluation criteria, we will assess the overall Evaluation process. As an outcome, there will be 1 or 2 tools corresponding to your needs, differentiated in some criteria, e.g. licenses, current BI set up, data architecture limitations, compliance and policy etc. You will get a detailed list of compared tools together with our recommendation (we will consider your situation – quick win vs. long-term solution etc.) for the best fit BI tool and high-level next steps how to start with implementation, what to change etc.
  4. But in the end, it is up to you – you will decide about your “best” BI tool. We can just make it easier for you!



Why to choose “the best fit” BI tool and implement it within your organization?

  •  Cost optimization – what if your current BI tool selection is not the most optimized from financial perspective and we can find the cheaper option for you;
  • Full BI tool package use – it happens that some BI basics are implemented, but not all BI stack options are used to their full potential;
  • Self-service BI implementation – this point can complement the previous one and the need of self-serving reporting is not supported by the current set up or you just do not know how your BI tool use for this purpose;
  • Data-driven insights and advantage against your competitors → to support your effort to become a data-driven organization.

Contact us

Ondřej Hanák

Ondřej Hanák

Senior Manager

Ondřej is a senior manager in the Analytics team with over five years of experience specializing in project management, data management, insurance analysis, and data analysis. He has extensive experie... More