
IT infrastructure and data centres

Current data centres usually suffer from a variety of historical flaws, imperfections and incompliance with certain regulatory criteria. They are typically not very scalable upwards and especially downwards. It therefore makes sense to assess existing data centres and define the strategy for their future operations.

Case study: Migration and optimisation of MONETA Money Bank’s data centre

The implemented strategy led to savings of 50% of TCO, over 50% of energy expenses and to a 70% reduction in the required space, while increasing scalability in both directions and improving the quality and availability of data centres (DCs). Find out more

1 | DC operation strategy

  • Independent assessment of the alignment of business needs and the current state of DC services.
  • Analysis of the efficiency of DC operations (e.g. assessment of DC technologies and the efficiency of their operation, utilisation of DCs and scalability, energy-effectiveness).
  • Recommendations of options for ensuring the operation of DCs and overall optimisation of their operation.

2 | DC consolidation and migration

  • Recommendations of options for consolidation, migration or relocation of DCs with respect to the company’s overall strategy and its business needs.
  • Consolidation of DCs of merged companies including the consolidation of their IT infrastructure.
  • Comprehensive coordination and management of the RFP process for data centres (processing of tender documentation, negotiation with bidders, evaluation of bids based on RFP parameters, process of contracting and negotiating the parameters of scope, level and quality of services).
  • Technical design of DC infrastructure.
  • Preparation and delivery of DC migration (including e.g. connectivity transfer, preparation of detailed data for the installation and connection of technical equipment).

3 | Outsourcing of IT infrastructure

  • Development of strategy for securing the operation of IT infrastructure services.
  • Management of the implementation process of the selected strategy, including comprehensive coordination and management of RFPs focused on IT outsourcing or IT infrastructure.
  • Processing of tender documentation using Deloitte’s unique methodology for RFP based on the final contract, negotiation with bidders, evaluation of bids based on RFP parameters, contracting process and negotiation of SLA parameters.

4 | Management of IT infrastructure operation

  • Identification of current resources, business requirements, definition of infrastructure services and the pricing model.
  • Optimisation of current infrastructure for achieving compliance with business or regulatory requirements.

5 | Disaster Recovery planning

  • Assessment of existing DR plans with respect to BIA, BCM.
  • Design of a DR approach, development of DR plans and their testing.

6 | Preparation of configuration standards

  • Development and formalisation of hardening procedures (process of securing ICT systems) for key infrastructure elements (network elements, operating systems).
  • Development of relevant policies and measuring compliance of the as-is situation with valid policies.

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Josef Dušek

Josef Dušek

Senior Manager

Josef Dušek is a Senior Manager in a team focusing on data centres and IT infrastructure. He specialises in the architecture, implementation, optimisation and operation of IT infrastructure and relate... More