
Tableau Stack intro

The data revolution has brought many changes to the world of business. Now, instead of relying on instincts and past experience, businesses turn into data-driven decision making in order to improve their operations and gain a competitive edge. As the market-leading choice for modern business intelligence, analytics platforms help businesses use data to make better decisions faster.

“Tableau is a leading data visualization tool used for data analysis and business intelligence. Gartner's Magic Quadrant classified Tableau as a leader for analytics and business intelligence.”

Tableau analytics platform offers fast, flexible dashboards that gives the power to explore your data like never before. Instead of forcing users into pre-set report templates that limit what they can see and do, analytics platform lets users create different charts, graphs, maps, dashboards, and stories for visualizing and analyzing data. The tool has garnered interest from people in all sectors such as business, research, industry, and academia.

To get an accurate view of the data, one must have good visualization skills. Tableau allows to connect to multiple data sources, relate them, create dashboards, and share them with others in your organization. Tableau allows to create interactive visualizations, dashboards, and reports that can be used for both internal and external reporting. It offers a wide range of features that make it easy to use the software for everyone from beginners to advanced users. For example, Tableau offers drag-and-drop functionality which makes it easy for novice users to create interactive dashboards and reports. Advanced users can also benefit from the many built-in functions that allow them to create custom visuals with little coding knowledge.

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How it works

There are several phases from data collection to its consumption:


Typical uses cases:

What benefits can Tableau bring to you? 

Data is the most valuable resource for making decisions, and having it in a useful, easy to understand format is essential to having a competitive edge. To that end, we work with your team to create data visualizations and interactive dashboards, data management solutions, and enhanced data literacy to help your organization become a more data driven one.

The Tableau platform can help your business become more data-driven by giving you the ability to manage data quality, security, and accessibility. It can also help you create data visualizations and interactive dashboards that allow for greater exploration of your data. These tools will help enhance your company's overall data culture and increase data literacy within your organization.

Its benefits include:

  • Connecting to different data sources
  • Drag-and-drop functionality
  • A simple and intuitive learning curve to help elevate your organization in the direction of data culture cultivation and being more data-driven
  • User-friendly UI and UX with which you can benefit to make your data attractive and presentable
  • The entire Tableau platform enables data governance and embeds a single source of truth and collaboration across departments, teams and individuals

Contact us

Ondřej Hanák

Ondřej Hanák

Senior Manager

Ondřej is a senior manager in the Analytics team with over five years of experience specializing in project management, data management, insurance analysis, and data analysis. He has extensive experie... More