
Corporate Income Tax Analytics

A tool for bulk review of complete sets of documents entering the corporate income tax return.

The DPPO Analytika (Corporate Income Tax Analytics) Tool uses detailed information from the accounting system, the receivables register, or the client’s assets register in the form of a data file. Once the data is entered into the analytics tool, automated tests verify the appropriateness of specific provisions of the Income Taxes Act applied and identify individual items that may be in breach of the Act or could be modified to achieve savings.


The DPPO Analytika Tool’s test and analysis sets can verify:

  • The accuracy of tax depreciation calculation,
  • The tax deductibility of costs,
  • The amount of tax provisions for receivables,
  • The use of exchange rates,
  • The creation and release of estimated payables/receivables, etc.

  • Efficient and fast review
  • Significant reduction in the risk of errors and potential penalties
  • Targeted analysis
  • Detailed evaluation of analyses with recommendations to minimise risks

Contact us

Jana Vlčková

Jana Vlčková

Senior Manager

Jana is specialised in the tax specifics of Energy & Resources industry. She has experience in rendering advisory services to Energy & Resources clients, including tax planning and preparation of tax ... More