
Using neuroscientific insights on a particular target group to increase revenues 

We used the Deloitte NeedSphere to help our client in the Life Science & Healthcare industry to gain unique insights on the need profiles of target customers and identify reasons that prevent customers from choosing one treatment over another. For that, we developed needs-based customer segments and eventually a communication strategy to address the specific needs of each target customer segment.

How did we do it?

For the client, it was crucial to understand the emotional drivers of the decision making of patients and to translate those drivers into actionable results on their treatment decisions. Therefore, complementary to NeedSphere, we developed a tailored online test based on a proprietary forced-choice algorithm in order to gain additional insights on the patients’ associations with the treatments. Participants from five different countries were recruited representing the client’s target group. Each of them completed NeedSphere and the forced-choice test. The respective results were mapped along the dimensions of NeedSphere. By doing so, we were able to rapidly assess the unconscious needs and attitudes towards specific treatment option, and to define customer segments derived from the analysis. The needs-based customer segmentation enabled the creation of a communication strategy taking into account the different desires and motivations of each segment.

Click here to learn more about the method NeedShere.

Which value can we create for you and your business?

Our neuroscientific methods enable us to dig deeper into the underlying causes that trigger individual treatment decisions and overall customer motivation. In contrast to demographic segmentation or other explicit segmentation methods, this helps to segment customers based on implicit or unconscious needs. Thereby making it possible to address the needs of each segment with a target group-oriented communication strategy that maximizes sales, return on ad spend (ROAS) and customer retention rate. 

Click here to learn more about the method Forced Choice Online Test.

Did you know that there is a big chance that hormones influence our personality?

Hormones such as dopamine, serotonin, testosterone, cortisol etc. influence our thinking and behavior more than we believe. Scientists have found that these biochemical signaling molecules are responsible for a multitude of personal traits. Amongst others they influence our mood, how we act, and whom we feel attracted to. It is also known that hormones influence risk-taking behavior whilst also playing a significant role in other states such as aggression or generosity. It is therefore no surprise that our preferences and long-term personality might be dependent on the dominance of certain hormones within our brains to some extent. For instance, people with lots of dopamine tend to be adventure-seeking, spontaneous and more flexible while people with high serotonin levels are more detail-oriented and prefer calm and controlled environments. These traits can vary during our adolescence but become stable after the end of the neurobiological development of humans. 

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