Webcast in English language. Please don't hesitate to contact any member of our team for explanations in English.
As part of our Deloitte Legal Update webcast series, this time we look at the obligations under the LkSG and the HinSchG to set up a whistleblowing system or complaints procedure.
We will look at how companies can take advantage of synergies, what solutions are available and how to deal with employee representatives so that companies with 50 to more than 3,000 employees can meet the requirements of both laws.
The main topics will therefore be:
- Obligated parties under the HinSchG/LkSG
- Minimum standards for reporting channels under the HinSchG/LkSG
- Complaints procedure regulations under the LkSG
- Solutions for reporting channels
- Handling and plausibility check of reports
- Co-determination/rights of works council bodies in connection with HinSchG/LkSG
- Legal consequences of violations
The webcast is aimed at employees in legal and compliance departments, internal audit, sustainability departments, HR, purchasing, human rights officers, management, commercial management and controlling,
Legal experts and attorneys Bettina Mertgen and Pia Windoffer will present on general compliance requirements and the focus of the LkSG and HinSchG.
Our legal expert and labor law specialist Stefan Weste will answer to co-determination issues and other labour law related questions that may arise from the implementation of the laws.
Legal expert Sina Fiedler will present possible technical solutions for whistleblower systems and processes for initially handling tips via such systems.
Feel free to submit your questions for the Q&A part already during your registration.
For organizational questions, please contact
Madeleine A. Thrun
Tel: +49 211 87724645
E-Mail: athrun@deloitte.de
Your Contact

Bettina Mertgen
Bettina Mertgen joined Deloitte Legal as a specialist lawyer for tax law, tax advisor and advisor for customs and excise tax in May 2016 and advises national and international clients in all questions with respect to customs-, excise tax- and foreign trade law. Her expertise covers all areas of customs- and foreign trade law and Bettina’s special focus lays on litigation, compliance reviews and audits. In this context, she defends clients in alleged infringements of customs-, excise tax- or foreign trade law, supports the implementation or conducts the review of compliance systems in this area and leads litigations with respect to e.g. customs value- or customs tariff law. Before joining Deloitte Legal, Bettina Mertgen was working several years for another international Law Firm. International Tax Review names her “Women in Tax - Leaders in Germany“. Bettina Mertgen speaks German and English.

Pia Windoffer, LL.M. (Leuven)
Pia Windoffer joined Deloitte Legal in January 2022 as Of Counsel for compliance consulting for small and medium-sized companies. Prior to joining Deloitte Legal, Pia Windoffer spent over 20 years in international companies in the consumer electronics and tourism industries as well as banks, mainly in a leading position, where she was responsible for setting up compliance management systems. She brings extensive expertise in antitrust law, anti-corruption law, trade sanctions, money laundering and data protection and has successfully implemented codes of conduct, whistleblower systems, risk analyses, corporate policies and compliance training worldwide. Pia Windoffer studied law in Münster, Lausanne, Heidelberg and Leuven and was admitted to the bar in 1998. She is also a certified business trainer, coach and change management consultant according to ÖNORM EN ISO/IEC 17024. Pia Windoffer speaks German, English, Spanish and French.

Stefan Weste, M.B.L.
Stefan Weste has joined Deloitte Legal in April 2021 as Counsel and advises national and international companies on all aspects of employment law. Stefan has many years of experience in the area of individual and collective employment law, international employment law as well as transactional employment law and restructuring. Additionally he advises on traditional day-to-day employment law matters and has also a high level of litigation experience. Before joining Deloitte Legal, he worked for several years at another leading international law firm. Prior to that, he initially worked for 5 years as an employment lawyer at a commercial law firm in Berlin before founding his own law firm together with other colleagues and heading the employment law department for more than 8 years. Furthermore, he was for several years the managing partner of a consultancy specialized in advising entrepreneurs and startups. In addition to his law degree, Stefan holds a Master of Business Law (M.B.L.) and regularly holds seminars and lectures on various employment law topics.

Sina Fiedler
Sina Fiedler ist Partner im Bereich Forensic in Düsseldorf und verfügt über 15 Jahre Erfahrung in den Bereichen Compliance und Interne Untersuchungen. Besonders spezialisiert ist sie auf Sonderuntersuchungen zur Aufklärung krimineller Handlungen sowie die Unterstützung und Beratung von Unternehmen bei parallel verlaufenden behördlichen Ermittlungen. Sina Fiedler ist Volljuristin und war bereits als Rechtsanwältin in wirtschaftsstrafrechtlich ausgerichteten Kanzleien und als Chief Compliance Officer in einem Unternehmen tätig. Sie ist Herausgeberin eines Compliance-Lehrbuches und doziert regelmäßig zu den Themen Compliance, Fraud Prevention und Interne Untersuchungen, auch im Zusammenhang mit dem VerSanG-E.