
Reducing workload and optimizing workflows

Legal Project Management during the COVID-19 crisis

Is your legal department facing these challenges as well?

  •  Your team is fielding a flood of inquiries by phone, via email and in person that are likely unstructured and disparate.
  • Top management, staff, customers and suppliers are asking for your advice and anticipating actionable proposals as quickly as possible.
  • The incoming queries often deal with issues that are new to everyone, a huge challenge for the team in general and specific staff members in particular. And for the first time ever, your team may be operating decentrally and remotely.

As both an approach and a toolbox to help you structure, prioritize and allocate resources, Legal Project Management (LPM) offers a range of agile elements to help you take fast, pragmatic and effective action in times of volatility and crisis:

  • Effective detection of potentially parallel or interdependent activities (e.g., Matter Management Boards).
  • Prioritization and scheduling of activities that change on a daily basis (e.g., MoSCoW method).
  • Team structure and communication strategy that responds appropriately to the situation at hand.
  • Targeted and unbureaucratic meetings (e.g., stand-ups).
  • Guidance through effective stakeholder analysis and identification (e.g., 6 tests exercise and stakeholder mapping).
  • Communication plan and execution oriented towards risks and stakeholders.
  • Alignment of different workstreams (e.g., program management).

As your partner, we will not only support you with legal advice on your workflows, supply chains, financing, compliance, etc. We also offer targeted consulting to manage the current legal operations:

  • Our consultants are experienced managers, who have proven expertise in both legal and communications operations.
  • As coaches and scrum masters, our consultants can quickly deliver insights based on your specific requirements.
  • We offer completely customized services, whether it is a two-hour workshop on the key elements of LPM for the entire team, a coaching session as an add-on to implementation or quite simply as a sparring partner for any questions you may have (via Skype or Zoom).
  • On request, we can also set up the collaboration platforms you need as a separate service, so that your valuable time is not spent dealing with IT implementation issues. 
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