
About Us

Foreign Trade Law

International trade of goods | embargos & sanctions | dual-use goods | trade compliance etc.

Germany is export world champion. Thus, the efficient processing of international sales transactions is immensely important to our clients. Various national, European and international rules - characterized by constant change - regulate global trade. Companies are permanently confronted with new legal challenges.

We advise companies in all aspects of foreign trade law in order to avoid that complex global trade regulations turn into legal pitfalls for our clients: We assist in drafting international sales contracts, we optimize (export) licensing procedures and we tailor (individual) sales and compliance structures.

Our experts in the field of foreign trade law advise DAX companies as well as all other exporting companies. Our consulting approach is based on the idea that any legal concept needs to be economical and easy to be put into practice.

Our range of advisory services includes inter alia:

Contract drafting 

  • Export control clauses
  • Anti-boycott 
  • Admissibility of transactions according to foreign trade regulations 
  • Business partner screening / sanction list screening


License management 

  • Export control license requirements and prohibitions
  • Licensing procedure and types 
  • Classification of items 
  • Technology transfer / cloud computing


Violations of export control regulations

  • Voluntary disclosure 
  • Criminal and administrative fine proceedings


Export control audits 

  • Audit / implementation of internal compliance programs
  • Advisory in case of official export control audits


Movements of capital and payments

  • Reporting requirements for movements of capital and payments

Andreas Leclaire
Your Contact: Andreas Leclaire
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