
Tracking the trends 2022

The top 10 issues shaping the future of mining

Redefining mining

The next decade will witness some of the most exciting and transformative years in the mining industry’s history. What will successful mining and metals companies look like in a low-carbon, low-waste, purpose-driven future?

A convergence of factors have emphasized the need for change. Among them, of course, is the ongoing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the world of work, digitization, and the growing need to integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) commitments with central business functions. But the biggest underlying driver and opportunity for transformation lies in the green energy transition.

Change on this scale is daunting, which is why, in its 14th year, Tracking the trends has focused on effecting transformation. The following 10 mining industry trends provide a toolkit to help companies not only profit from whatever the future might bring, but to leave a positive social impact as their legacy.

Tracking the trends 2022 video

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