
dHalo / ClaimsView

The smarter solution for end-to-end case management

Deloitte is a trusted global provider of case management solutions that help organisations manage processes and strengthen governance in an efficient and effective manner.

Enhance Productivity with End-to-End Case Management

Managing the process of a case manually can be daunting. Each case contains several emails and files exchanged and reviewed that are required to be processed for its resolution. Furthermore, it is difficult to track if all cases go through the appropriate review and approval channels, or if the originators of the case are informed timely about the outcome of the case. Organisations are under increasing pressure to perform their processes more efficiently; customers and other parties are more demanding for a timely response; and  management requires timely insights for decision making.

Case management platforms remain an effective solution to optimize the process of gathering, processing and reporting information collected from various sources, with a goal to improve customer journey, vendor journey and employee journey into an organization’s process.

Subject matter experience enhanced by leading edge technology

dHalo / ClaimsView is our leading-edge technology solution for either managing the day-to-day case management needs or addressing extraordinary case management events. Equipped with a comprehensive audit log and security features, it provides a secure environment for managing cases and information. It allows for the upload of documents and has built-in communication channels to communicate with the originator of the case (i.e., customer, vendor, etc.). Furthermore, it supports several languages based on organization needs and contains advanced analytics dashboards for tracking and reporting.

dHalo / ClaimsView can either be delivered as a solution for use solely by the organization, or it can be supplemented with our experienced team of analysts who can assist in the processing of cases. dHalo / ClaimsView can be deployed quickly as a SaaS solution.

Use cases:

dHalo / ClaimsView can be applied to a number of organization’s processes such as:

  • Claims: claimants can submit their claims through the external portal of the platform and upload any required documents. The organisation receives the claim and performs a quality review for accuracy and completeness of the information, before moving the claim for internal (or external) triage and assessment. The claim is then reviewed for resolution and communicated through the portal to the claimant for next steps or dispute raise.
  • Complaints: complainants can submit their complaint through the external portal of the platform and upload any required documents. The organisation receives the complaint and performs a quality review for sufficiency of the information, before moving the complaint for internal (or external) triage and assessment. The complaint is then reviewed for resolution and communicated through the portal to the complainant for results.
  • Conflicts of Interest: employees can submit their periodic or ongoing declaration of conflicts of interest through the portal of the platform, based on customizable questionnaires designed for the needs of the organisation. The organisation then receives the disclosures and performs a quality review for the sufficiency of the information, prior to creating a consolidated list for internal due diligence purposes.
  • Due Diligence: vendors or customers can submit information and documents for the business relationship with the organisation through portal of the platform, based on customizable questionnaires designed for the needs of the organisation. The organisation then receives the disclosures and performs a quality review for the accuracy and completeness of the information, prior to creating a consolidated list for internal use.
  • Observations Tracking: Internal audit functions, compliance functions and other functions that review processes and generate observations (findings) can record these observations for remediation in the platform and create workflows for remediation and follow up with observation owners. Observation owners can delegate tasks for remediating the observations to other employees and respond through the platform to the originating function. The originating function can quickly create dashboard and reports for the status of observations remediation (observations tracker) for senior management and the board of directors.