LSHC sector industry outlooks


2019 Global Life Sciences and Health Care Outlook    

Strategic transformation is at the core of life science companies as they build new business models for the future. To accelerate change, focus will be on developing innovative and relationship-driven partnerships and creating real value for patients. Data is now the currency of life sciences, and mobilizing data throughout the enterprise, transforming work, and using technology symbiotically will be fundamental to advancing digital transformation.


What are the trends affecting life sciences? In 2019, the life sciences sector will see a strategic rise of the digital mindset and further adoption of transformative technologies. While traditional investment vehicles, like mergers & acquisitions, can expect a sharper focus, external innovation can become a meaningful culture change-agent through innovative and creative partnerships with new entrants and non-traditional players. 

The digital age requires more transparency and disclosure and a need for real relationship-driven partnerships will extend to all sector stakeholders—patients, advocacy groups, and regulators —and also to outsourcing vendors critical to the supply chain. Data will be the force behind new revenue models and crucial to understanding and delivering an exceptional patient experience. 

Continued pricing pressures, increasing access to drugs, growth of gene and cell therapies, and uncertain trade policies will further change the dynamics of the market. The 2019 Global Life Sciences Outlook gives insights into the global life sciences economy and reviews the trends impacting businesses as they look to accelerate change and elevate the patient experience. The outlook provides suggestions for stakeholders to deal with the changing global economy and discusses examples from the market. The report also provides leaders with key questions and actions to consider in the year ahead.

2018 Global life sciences outlook

Innovating life sciences in the fourth industrial revolution: Embrace, build, grow

Life sciences companies are embracing emerging technologies to transform the entire value chain. Additionally, they are leveraging new partnerships and building new operating models to grow their business. With growth, come a few uncertainties, arising from pricing pressures, geopolitical boundaries, and policy changes. This 2018 outlook reviews the current state of the global life sciences economy and studies the trends impacting life sciences companies. It also outlines strategies that companies need to adopt to thrive in this evolving marketplace. The 2019 Global life sciences outlook will be published shortly.

Global life sciences outlook

2019 Global health care outlook

With financial sustainability, care delivery, patient centricity, digital transformation, and regulatory compliance at the top of the agenda, health care sector leaders need to collaborate with all stakeholders—both within the health care ecosystem and those in converging industries—as they look to shape the future of health care and establish a sustainable smart health community.

Trends in life sciences and health care regulations

Gain insight into key regulations that life sciences companies and health care organizations should be monitoring and addressing in 2018.

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