salesforce lab

Život u Deloitteu

ServiceNow Bootcamp for Deloitte ServiceNow

ServiceNow (SNOW) Bootcamp je izvrsna mogućnost da se stekne praktično znanje kako tehnologija može modernizirati operativnost, optimizirati produktivnost, cijenu, te izgraditi bolje procese u svakoj kompaniji.

Izvanredna šansa da se nakon Bootcampa, kao zaposlenik Deloittea u 6 mjeseci steknu svjetski priznati certificati za vodeću Cloud based ITSM applikaciju ServiceNow.

Prijavi se za Deloitte ServiceNow Bootcamp!

Broj kandidata je ograničen.

What is ServiceNow?

ServiceNow is a cloud-based workflow automation platform that enables enterprise organizations to improve operational efficiencies by streamlining and automating routine work tasks. It provides software as a service (SaaS) for technical management support.

ServiceNow is uniquely positioned to be the connective tissue that helps in smooth-running and simplifies the workflows across the enterprise, eliminating depositories and creating more seamless interactions with digital enterprise, making Service Management to be structured and efficient.

Built to manage everything as a service, ServiceNow helps the modern enterprise operate faster and be more scalable than ever before. It does this by placing a service-oriented lens on the activities, tasks and processes that make up the day-to-day work life

ServiceNow can integrate with other tools easily.
For example, users can perform VMware AirWatch tasks from within the interface. ServiceNow also provides an app store of tool offerings from third parties.

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