
CEO Survey 2021: The Role of CEOs in Advancing Sustainability

CEOs have an essential role in supporting the sustainability transformation of a company. The survey explored sustainability initiatives considered by the CEOs, including the issue of sustainability discussed on the board’s agenda and CEOs’ leadership approaches in setting strategies of the company.

To better understand the role of CEOs in leading corporate sustainability, Deloitte Indonesia and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), in collaboration with Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), the Indonesia Public Listed Companies Association (Asosiasi Emiten Indonesia/AEI) and The Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, conduct survey to the CEOs of listed companies to obtain their insights over sustainability priorities during the pandemic and future prediction. 

The survey discovered various insights and steps considered by CEOs in responding to environmental and social issues; however, all showed a common vision to achieve sustainability. Ultimately, we asked about the knowledge and skills needed by CEOs in adopting and advancing ESG and sustainability for companies. The survey results will contribute to designing future programs for CEOs to address the needs and challenges in managing sustainability issues. 

Based on the survey results: 

  • 84% of CEOs believed ESG issues are becoming crucial amid Covid-19
  • Currently, 74% of ESG drivers were attributable to regulation.
  • Top 3 issues have been discussed on the board meeting agenda are health and safety environment (57%), sustainability reporting (56%), and emission reduction (30%).
CEO's Survey on ESG 2021
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