
Corporate Taxation

The Corporate Taxation Group specializes in reducing the tax burden for corporations. The group team consists of prominent experts, leaders in their domains and Tax Authority alumni, specializing in sector and client-specific tax advisory services.

Among our solutions

  • Ongoing tax advisory services for corporations operating in Israel, including providing tax opinions on complex tax issues, designed to maximize tax efficiencies
  • Assistance in obtaining preliminary approvals from the Tax Authority
  • Support and advisory services for transactions in Israel – optimal tax structure & tax due diligence.
  • Support and advisory services regarding Laws for Encouragement - Law for Encouragement of Capital Investments, Law for Encouragement of Industry (Taxes)
  • Representation before the Tax Authorities

Contact our experts

Alona Meiron

Alona Meiron

Partner, Tax Division Leader

Alona is a Partner and Tax Group Leader at Deloitte Israel. She leads the International Transaction Tax Services Practice and specializes in advising international clients who wish to invest in Israel... More

Ronit Bachar

Ronit Bachar

Partner, Corporate Taxation

Ronit is a Partner and Head of Local Transaction Tax Services, as well as the Leader of the Energy & Resources Industry and Public Sector Tax Practice at Deloitte Israel.  She specializes in providing... More