
Fuels of the future

Exploring alternative fuel options for transport

India has overtaken Japan as the third-largest light vehicle market in the world last year. The country sold more than 3.8 million units in 2022. Over the past few years, India has made significant efforts to become one of the world’s leading automotive markets, largely driven by increasing income and strong demand for personal mobility and favourable government initiatives. The automobile industry currently contributes 7.1 percent to the country’s GDP and is expected to play a pivotal role in India's vision to become a US$ 5 trillion economy by 2027.

This report’s objective is to help leaders and executives align themselves with the needs of the future of mobility. Executives will have to accelerate their efforts towards faster adoption and penetration of alternative fuel categories across different vehicle segments in the next few decades. A few greener options, such as GH, are expected to gain prominence as India reaches the centenary of independence.

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