
Data discovery readiness assessment

Enabling agility and efficiency

Today’s business clime is that of risk and uncertainty. Even the slightest slip may lead to a possible litigation and jeopardise the reputation of your organisation. It therefore becomes crucial to be prepared adequately before a litigation, an investigation, or a regulatory request hits your doorstep. One of the most important steps towards this, is to proactively assess and structure your information governance processes. Effective preparation, a well articulated data map, and an integrated approach can help you make streamlined and timely decisions and protect your business.

What does a data Discovery Readiness Assessment Entail?

A data discovery readiness assessment involves an end-to-end process for mapping all potentially relevant and often unstructured data sources as well as identifying critical data islands and owners so as to enable collecting, preserving, analysing, reviewing, and producing potential digital evidence. This evidence can then be effectively used in any legal or disciplinary matter(s), in an employment tribunal or domestic or international court of law.

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