
Tax breakfast meet

Navigating issues in indirect taxation

Our service portfolio

Deloitte is well-equipped to deliver solutions to the complex challenges faced by organisations across the public and private se ctors. Being one of the largest organisations, our edge lies in our ability to draw upon well equipped, globally customised services at a local office.

Global Trade Advisory offerings

Our Global Trade Advisory team offers a range of services and expertise to help businesses navigate international trade regulations, optimise supply chain operations, and mitigaterisks

India Tax Operate

Operate is a distinct form of client engagement which entails running, maintaining, and enhancing critical systems, processes, or applications for a client through a variety of services on a recurring basis. It integrates ‘Advise Implement Operate’ mechanism.

Tax Controversy Management Tool

The Tax Controversy Management tool captures the entire lifecycle of a tax case, from return filing to its resolution before the appellate authorities.

Tax Controversy Management Key Functional Features

The Tax Controversy Management tool captures the entire lifecycle of a tax case, from return filing to its resolution before the appellate authorities.

Global In-House Centers (GICs)

Operate enables Deloitte to deliver end-to-end services and exceptional client value. Tax functions are being asked to deliver more strategic advice, while budgets are flat or falling.

Global Tax Operate

Major shifts in the market are encouraging clients to seek new, agile business models and driving demand for end-to-end services.

Bolt-on 2.0: Comprehensive technology platform for Indian GST compliances

GST is no more a ‘tax only’ aspect; impacts working capital and supply chain. Government’s focus has been to identify frauds and evasion on a real-time basis based on real time reporting bytaxpayers. Extensive use of AIpowered technology by the Government for identification of evasion and non compliance; KPIs shared with taxpayers too

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