REflexions - Issue 7 | Real Estate


REflexions - Issue 7

Real Estate - April 2018

As postulated by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, “It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.” True to this statement, research is at the heart of REflexions 7, with each article providing us with food for thought and a basis of deeper understanding.

We open this edition with the key findings of a recent CoreNet Global and Deloitte Consulting research project on evolving corporate real estate operating models, highlighting the opportunities for public sector real estate property organizations to benefit from the experiences of the private sector, by embracing digital disruption and transformation.

In this spring edition, we bring you some of the hot topics pressing for the attention of the real estate industry. Built on the premise that research should be at the heart of each issue, REflexions 7 paves the way to a deeper understanding of the current real estate climate.

This edition explores key findings from a recent CoreNet Global and Deloitte Consulting research project on evolving corporate real estate operating models in the public sector. Additionally, in an engaging interview with Dr. Sven Olaf Eggers, we learn what digitalization might mean to the real estate industry and why professionals should see this step as a new beginning.

The magazine goes on to look at M&A transactions in Europe, real estate development projects taking shape to house the rapidly-growing economy of Luxembourg, and gathers thoughts from a panel of real estate industry professionals interviewed for the Deloitte Portuguese Real Estate Investment Surveys.

REflexions - Issue 7

In this issue

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